The truth is undeniable: video-verified alarms are drastically more effective than traditional alarm systems.
Time and again, the benefits reinforce each other:
Learn how replacing an outdated security system with Videofied delivered priority response to a burglar intrusion and facilitated arrests that averted future losses, all on a tight budget.
Learn how one company made 40 apprehensions in 4 months at a single construction site after installing Videofied security systems.
Learn how the Detroit Public School Police Department achieved a 70% closure rate on arrests made in vacant school buildings.
Under eight hours after installing a Videofied system at a large, vacant Radio Shack warehouse, Fort Worth police arrested 4 intruders.
Tucson PD arrive on scene to make an arrest under 15 minutes from when the video clip of the intruder was sent to the central station operator from a temporarily installed Videofied system.