
Video verification with priority response can be especially critical for pharmacies that stock oxycontin and other drugs in high demand by thieves. Some pharmacies use Videofied MotionViewers to secure rooftops, and above the plenum areas that have been targeted as easy entry points by thieves. MotionViewers can be easily installed in off-limit rooms or inside storage cabinets where the particularly valuable drugs are stored. A Videofied system can be integrated into an existing alarm system so there is no new training or codes / badges to reissue.
Installation Photos
Benefits for Pharmacies
- Affordable protection with priority response
- Wireless installation allows cameras to be placed for specific protection of high value drugs
- Cell and IP communication of the alarm/video for immediate review/dispatch
Benefits for Pharmacies
- Affordable protection with priority response
- Wireless installation allows cameras to be placed for specific protection of high value drugs
- Cell and IP communication of the alarm/video for immediate review/dispatch
Burglary Analysis
5 Year Analysis of Pharmacy Burglary and Robbery Experience
Pharmacist Mutual
Risk Management Intel Report: Verified Alarms from Videofied